Samantha was one of our MAJOR models in our latest ss23 campaign, starring in the photoshoot and taking part in our 2 day presentation to launch ss23 held at the Groucho Club during London Fashion Week. We scouted her as a customer at Chillie when we had our very first pop up shop at Pichi on Ladbroke Grove and we all became fast friends. Sam modelled back in the day but through her growing Instagram following is having another career as a model! She has most recently starred in something for Miu Miu and has been cast in shows over this season in London. She has some amazing stories to match her epic vintage collection which she has collected since she can remember. Thanks Sam for your continued and incredible support for Chillie London. Here's what she has to say!

C: Describe your style
Pre loved, into vintage sporty style, next day funky or classic ! Always different I would say.
C: Where do you look for fashion inspiration
On my local high street or when I’m walking doing errands… old movies, I don’t really follow a trend.
Recently went to Oslo Court in St John's Wood and time has stood still these colours and table settings haven't changed in over 20 years and are still inspiring to me!

C: Why do you buy vintage
Because the price point is often more affordable, I know not everyone else will have it, I always wonder who owned it before and it’s much more exciting than going to a store. Always I LOVE to say when people ask me where it’s from to say it’s vintage. Hahahaah
C: What’s the story behind Your favourite vintage piece (below)
Basically my friend was getting married and she was asking what I was going to wear to the wedding she said I could borrow from her as she had an incredible wardrobe!! I had always loved Thai cashmere Chanel blazer however I was taller than her and she had had the jacket shortened to fit but I was obsessed so I wore it! She let me borrow it once and then went to a party in it and someone poured beer over it!! She never knew had it dry cleaned but never borrowed anything again after that!! A year ago, at a vintage fair, I saw this exact same jacket tried it on and the arms were so short and knew it had to be the same one. I bought it and was so happy to have found it as would never have been able to have afforded it!! What are the chances!! Fate

C: Favourite brand
Money no object will probably be vintage Chanel/ viv and YSL

This Chanel sweatshirt I bought at the Chillie London pop up event, exclusively sold by stylist Sara Gilmour and since then I discovered Claudia Schiffer out in the same sweatshirt from back when it came out!

C: Do you prefer e books / audiobook or physical book
Love the smell of a good book. So a physical book.
C: Do you shop in store
Yeah sometimes ! I like talking and I always meet interesting people
C: Do you vote and if so what drives your vote?
Yes!!!!!!! Everyone should vote!

The hat above I made!! This picture was taken 28 years ago
C: Tips for shopping vintage
Don’t have something in mind, shop out put of season, and try stuff on!!!! You never know, it may fit.
C: Favourite item on the website
Those red leather Nike track pants! And the red Mosh jacket

C: What’s your daily uniform
Jeans jeans jeans

C: 3 things and the story behind them
The vintage chanel sweatshirt from Chillie!!!
The jacket I borrowed from a friend to find it after lockdown
Piece of furniture ( does this count??) that I put a note thro the door after lockdown and got
C: Vintage or rental?
Always vintage

C: How do you feel about social media
Has good and bad parts.
C: How do you prioritise mental health
I’m lucky to live in central london, near some parks…I literally walk everywhere I possibly can, I have to go outside everyday even in the rain, I love the rain actually! If I have time u can see me sitting in a bus stop just watching…. I love trees and weirdly know a lot of their names and I like to watch them ever changing. If only trees could talk………. Nature is so good for us, even 5 mins in the fresh air.

C: Which media outlets do you like to get your news from?
I read papers on line mainly. I try to watch the news in the evening if I can.